Into the free......A hard day's sleep

The bed was welcoming, the mattress and duvet enveloped in in their warm embrace and pulled the aches out of my tired body and brought forth a sleep that came over me before my weight of my head had transferred onto the pillow.


I was in my bed as warm and comfortable as I have ever been, I could have very contented but for a small inconsistancy. The bed disolved around me folding back into itself and leaving no trace on a wood floor and I was now sat on a bench leaning on a hardwood table laughing and conversations I couldn't make out and pop tunes on the jukebox of meaningless vocals and light guitar, but fun was happening and alcohol fumes hung heavy in the pink fluffy air and I was here for the ride.  Fluffy clouds formed into hazy figures, some at an arms distance were masculine and others touching me formed into laughing clones of the girls, not any specific girls, just 'the girls' found out on any night of the week.
It was warm and happy and light, a larger cloud that buldged feminly swirled around taking my focus pulling me into the embrace of the candyfloss tendrils wishpering around my body inviting me to stay wrapped up here forever.

My heart started to slow its timings as the music around me to mellow sonnets of loves lost and loves won.

A crack like that of a whip startled me and the fuzzy warmth was pulled away to a point behind me as if a vaccumn nozzle had been turned on to extract a smoke filled atmosphere.  Cold cut through to my bones and the light was smashed away buy razored triangles shooting up from the floor like nightmare trees growing in a hideous forest.  A grinning death mask illumintated the inky blackness in a silver circle jarring all feelings of happiness from me.  Angry shadows as thick as iron bars flung themselves at me causing me to flinch to the left and right.  Not a one made contact but their passing was felt through their motion and currents left as they violently dispersed, quicker and quicker they flew at me and I fell to floor hugging me knees crying for it to stop.

As sudden as it started the were all gone and I was alone in the darkness.  a sound of a dripping tap rang out with every drop that hits its terminus.  There was nothing all around me, the grinnning moon above caust no light off any object.
The dripping sped up and became a purr, softness of water falling into its own caress in the void pulled back from the fear and lulled me into myself  and an image of Xanthic's stand alone bath came to mind a comfort equal to that of my bed.  Darkness itself holds no fear, is the unknown that grips onto the little primal parts of our brains and whispers gently into our ears ''It's behind you.''

Water touched my toes in a cold puddle forming like the initialising of a puddle in a down pour. My foot skipped back and I put it down it my ankle in iced water which lapped against my legs as it rose in a steady climb.  The temperature did not freeze me but the situation did.  Findout where you are and workout where you need to be.  Its a very simple statement and there are much worse rules to live your life too, but right now it was as helpful as contraceptives in a Labour ward.

The water was now at my knees and rising quickly towards my waist.  My feet left the floor as the surface reached my chest and i started treading to stay afloat, my arms pushing against the fluid rise and neck arching to gain as much height as I could.

A frantic search gave no indication of bankside or floating refuge, nor any other feature. The moon gave no reflection of the water and my mind screamed out for stimulus for solutions. This mental request dramatically changed. A splash screamed out and ripples played across the surface of the water.  Something fast brushed my feet and I pulled my feet up into a ball and I started to swim.  The direction did not matter, away was the only point on my compass.  Something large sped past me inches from my face in front of me and water filled my mouth and nose causing me to choke and splash widly to keep my breath.  I pushed backwards and rounded my arms into windmills to pull me away, then rolled with the momentum onto my front and wished I had done more in school swimming lessons than stand gossiping in the corner with Sophie Reed trying to see if the boys were looking without making it obvious I was looking too.  A crazed front crawl developed  from paniced energy and a desire to be anywhere else.  A mouth rose out of the water, teeth were prominent and captured my full attemtion till all else pailed to insignificance.

There were no words no emotion no time to formulate any sensible responce to this as the gaping maw was upon me with razors dripping strings of ransid saliva and a force of rotting flesh over powering my senses stinging tears from my eyes and gagging from my throat.

I threw my arms over my head as the teeth fell over me and screamed as pain scissorsed into them with the hot blood running freely. My mouth opened in a silent scream and a slap from a solid hand turned my head and my cheek erupted with a fresh pain.  Melody was stood i her cottage looking at me sternly.  She grew n all dimension I thought but then realised I was shrinking, rolling backwards from the young woman I am back though my troubled teenage body and into a quiet and embarrised nine year old girl who was terminally concious of developing hair and small lumps and having no one to turn to or to find a voice to talk to a teacher or one of my ever changing carers.

'Ýou are Valentine and you here.''  She said without words then she physically pushed me hard on my shoulders and I tripped backwards and heavily hit the floor which knocked the air from my lungs  followed by a harch strike from the hard stone against the back of my head driving all conciousness from my body.

With a hugh gasp I ripped myself out of sleep and sat up in the bed in the middle of the afternoon surprisingly refreshed and alert.  I made a pact with myself right then not to eat strong mature cheese on toast before bed and hopped out of the room determined to make a positive achievement with the remaining day.


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