The smile on her face did not match her true feelings but she had always been taught to smile even when doing something she did not want to do. The smile was fixed in place and did not move even through the exersion tested her arm more than she would be willing to admit, but the task was nessesaery.

"How could you have been so careless?" Blaine did not wait for a reply because she knew too well it would not come, instead she settled for the dull moan.

Behind the scene aged but strong manacles lay empty on the floor open and empty.

"You need to find it if you want your wish to come true." The handsome man said musically. "You should not have been so careless with such a valuable prize."

Blithe said nothing in return but instead added her frustrations to a final strike throwing the rod she held down when she was done. The mute servant collected the rod, gave a curious clean to re!move at least some of his blood from the floor with his handkerchief and fled the room.

Simeon stood with his arms folded, he was imensly satisfied with the show laid on and could taste the salty blood that splattered onto his lip. He lapped at it with his tongue."Don't get me wrong I appreciate all you have done but you shouldn't have beat him so much. He was not fully to blame."

"I know you had your hand in this. You stired your greasy spoon around inside his head and got him to run and you tricked the keys from poor Mauriece and you gave them to Mr Bones didn't you you naughty boy?" Blaine wagged a playful finger at her brothers face which smiled innocently back.

"It looked so pitiful huddled there pining as in mourning. All it wanted was to feel the sun warm its skin. Or lack of it."  Simeon's eye watched the beautiful woman standing just there. He held up his hands. "Why can't you ease these off slightly. They rub so hard."

 "Those manacles are there for your own safety, we don't want you hurting yourself anymore do we. So until we can finish you have to be paitent so that beautiful skin isn't hurt anymore. Be calm, remember the pact, the contract conclusive."

"Sister dear." Simeon smiled wider as Blaine reacted to the familuarity. "I yearn for the completion of our deal. You have had a mere taste of what power you could command, the jug is brim full waiting for you to pour. Dear sister do hurry."

"We have eyes searching for our prize, she cannot evade us wherever she is. I have guided bait to draw her out and even now our bird flies towards us, it has been seen so it will be done."

"And I feel the energy of dispare surrounding us, growing through the web you have created. It pleases me and fills me with raptur. She will come, she will be drawn."


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